Hydrocephalus Association Grants

2025 Innovator Award

Request for Applications is Open

LOI Due: March 25, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET
Full Application Due: June 3, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET


The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for innovative research that has the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus. The Innovator Award provides seed funding for research projects aligned with the Hydrocephalus Community Research Priorities.

Please note, you need to be a HANDS member to apply. Membership is free. Sign up HERE.

Click here for application details



2025 Accelerator Award

Request for Applications is Open

LOI Due: March 18, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET
Full Application Due: May 23, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET

The Accelerator Award supports research towards preventing hydrocephalus or developing a non-invasive treatment at any stage of the bench-to-bedside research pipeline. Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal will move their research to the next level. Examples of this include transitioning research from in vitro studies to animal models, advancing from small animal models to larger species, or progressing from animal models to clinical research.

Please note, you need to be a HANDS member to apply. Membership is free. Sign up HERE.

Click here for application details

Accelerator AWARD

2025 Engineering in Hydrocephalus Prize

Request for Applications is Open

Due: May 1, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET

The Hydrocephalus Association (HA) is soliciting applications for the 2025 Engineering in Hydrocephalus Prize. HA will recognize and award prizes to selected hydrocephalus projects in engineering. Projects will be scored based on scientific merit and innovation in engineering designs that address the challenges of hydrocephalus. This opportunity is open to undergraduate, graduate, and professional students with a mentored engineering project.

Contact: Samantha@hydroassoc.org

Click here for application details

2025 Neuropsychology and Cognition Award Graphic

2025 Neuropsychology & Cognition Award

Award Opens: March 28, 2025
LOI Due:
May 2, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET
Full Application Due: July 11, 2025 at 5:00 pm ET

The Hydrocephalus Association is pleased to continue the Neuropsychology & Cognition Award to advance research efforts in neuropsychology and cognition. The award will support innovative research that broadly addresses the utility and development of neuropsychological and cognitive assessment tools to:

  • understand hydrocephalus phenotypes across the lifespan.
  • assess indicators/outcomes related to surgical intervention.
  • develop novel and translational applications in preclinical and animal/cellular models.
  • guide improvements in patient care and transitions across the life course.

Through this initiative, we aim to address the challenges faced by individuals living with hydrocephalus by advancing our understanding and developing interventions to mitigate the psychological and cognitive impacts of the condition.

Application information coming soon

Contact: Samantha@hydroassoc.org

2025 HA Cynthia Solomon Resident's Prize

One way the Hydrocephalus Association promotes research and leadership in hydrocephalus is through our annual Resident’s Prize. This prize is awarded each year to the most promising hydrocephalus-related research paper presented by a neurosurgical resident at the Pediatric Section meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons (AANS/CNS). The prize is designed to encourage young doctors to focus their research efforts on advancing treatment and care of individuals with hydrocephalus.

Cynthia Solomon, a co-founder and enduring advocate of HA, conceived the concept of the Resident’s Prize in 1998 to motivate neurosurgical residents to actively participate in research endeavors. To pay tribute to Cynthia's profound influence, this award underwent a renaming during our 40th anniversary celebrations in 2023. It will now be officially known as The Cynthia Solomon Resident’s Prize in Hydrocephalus, encapsulating her lasting legacy and dedication to advancing hydrocephalus research.

Apply through AANS/CNS abstract submission process [Check back for 2025 meeting updates.]

Other 2025 Academic Funding Opportunities

We have put together a list of funding opportunities from other agencies. While this list is not exhaustive, we hope it is a helpful resource and leads to increased funding in hydrocephalus research. If you come across additional opportunities you would like added, please email samantha@hydroassoc.org.

Download here: 2025 Academic Funding Opportunities

Grant Archive (2015-2024)

2024 Innovator Awards 

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for innovative research that has the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus. The Innovator Award provides seed funding for research projects aligned with the Hydrocephalus Community Research Priorities.

Please note, you need to be a HANDS member to apply. Membership is free. Sign up HERE.

Click HERE for full RFA, LOI, and Application Details

2024 Accelerator Awards 

The Accelerator Award support research towards preventing hydrocephalus or developing a non-invasive treatment at any stage of the bench-to-bedside research pipeline. Applicants must demonstrate how their proposal will move their research to the next level. Examples of this include transitioning research from in vitro studies to animal models, advancing from small animal models to larger species, or progressing from animal models to clinical research.

Please note, you need to be a HANDS member to apply. Membership is free. Sign up HERE.

Click HERE for full RFA, LOI, and Application Details

2024 Epidemiology Challenge Award 

The Hydrocephalus Association is committed to developing reliable data on the epidemiology and economic impact of hydrocephalus. In line with this goal, the Hydrocephalus Association is offering the 2024 Epidemiology Challenge Award to support one year of focused research that utilizes an existing database to reveal new insights into the incidence and/or prevalence of hydrocephalus or the health economic costs of hydrocephalus. Outcomes from the award will contribute directly to advocacy and education initiatives of the Association and serve as a building block toward a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology and economic burden of hydrocephalus in the very near future.

Click HERE for RFA and Application Details

2024 Neuropsychology & Cognition Award 

The Hydrocephalus Association is committed to developing reliable data on the epidemiology and economic impact of hydrocephalus. In line with this goal, the Hydrocephalus Association is offering the 2024 Epidemiology Challenge Award to support one year of focused research that utilizes an existing database to reveal new insights into the incidence and/or prevalence of hydrocephalus or the health economic costs of hydrocephalus. Outcomes from the award will contribute directly to advocacy and education initiatives of the Association and serve as a building block toward a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology and economic burden of hydrocephalus in the very near future.

Click HERE for RFA and Application Details

2024 Engineering in Hydrocephalus Prize

The Hydrocephalus Association (HA) is soliciting applications for the 2024 Engineering in Hydrocephalus Prize. HA will recognize and award prizes to selected hydrocephalus projects in engineering. Projects will be scored based on scientific merit and innovation in engineering designs that address the challenges of hydrocephalus. This opportunity is open to graduate and undergraduate engineering students with a mentored project.

Click HERE for RFA and Application Details

2024 Next Generation Travel Award

Applications are being solicited by the Hydrocephalus Association for the Next Generation Travel Awards to attend the 2024 National Conference on Hydrocephalus, HA Connect. The 2024 National Conference on Hydrocephalus is a biennial event that brings together renowned clinicians, scientists, and the hydrocephalus patient community. This award encourages early career hydrocephalus researchers to attend the National Conference, meet individuals affected by the condition and their families, interact with leading clinicians and scientists, and improve their understanding of hydrocephalus and the needs of this community.

Click HERE for RFA and Application Details

2024 Cynthia Solomon Resident's Prize in Hydrocephalus

One way the Hydrocephalus Association promotes research and leadership in hydrocephalus is through our annual Resident’s Prize. This prize is awarded each year to the most promising hydrocephalus-related research paper presented by a neurosurgical resident at the Pediatric Section meeting of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurological Surgeons (AANS/CNS). The prize is designed to encourage young doctors to focus their research efforts on advancing treatment and care of individuals with hydrocephalus.

Apply through AANS/CNS abstract submission process

2023 Innovator Awards

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for innovative research that has the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus. The Innovator Award provides seed funding for research projects aligned with the Hydrocephalus Community Research Priorities.

Please note, you need to be a HANDS member to apply. Membership is free. Sign up HERE.

Click HERE for full RFA, LOI, and Application Details

2022 Innovator Awards

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on any etiology of hydrocephalus. The Innovator Award provides seed funding for innovative research which has the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus. This award will support research projects aligned with the Hydrocephalus Community Research Priorities.

Click HERE to download the RFA

Young Investigator Travel Award: 2022 National Conference on Hydrocephalus

Applications are being solicited by the Hydrocephalus Association for the Young Investigator Travel Awards to attend the 2022 National Conference on Hydrocephalus. The 2022 National Conference on Hydrocephalus is a biennial event that brings together renowned clinicians, scientists, and the hydrocephalus patient community. This award encourages young hydrocephalus researchers to attend the National Conference, meet individuals affected by the condition and their families, interact with leading clinicians and scientists, and improve their understanding of hydrocephalus and the needs of this community.

2021 Innovator Awards

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on any etiology of hydrocephalus. The Innovator Award provides seed funding for innovative, non-incremental research to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and/or the development of novel therapies and treatment approaches to prevent, modify, or manage the condition.

Click HERE to download the RFA

2021 Ralph Kistler Research Internship

The Hydrocephalus Association seeks applicants for the Ralph Kistler Research Internship. The internship is for undergraduate college students who are interested in the sciences, public health, and non-profit operations.

Click Here for more information and to view the application.

2020 Innovator Awards

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on any etiology of hydrocephalus. The goal of this initiative is to provide seed funding for high-quality, innovative research that potentially improves hydrocephalus treatments and outcomes or changes our understanding of hydrocephalus.

Click HERE to download the RFA

Young Investigator Travel Award: 2020 National Conference on Hydrocephalus

Applications are being solicited by the Hydrocephalus Association for the Young Investigator Travel Awards to attend the 2020 National Conference on Hydrocephalus. The 2020 National Conference on Hydrocephalus is a biennial event that brings together renowned clinicians, scientists, and the hydrocephalus patient community. This award encourages young hydrocephalus researchers to attend the National Conference, meet individuals affected by the condition and their families, interact with leading clinicians and scientists, and improve their understanding of hydrocephalus and the needs of this community.

Bridge Fund

Full Application Due: Rolling through the end of 2019 or until funding is exhausted.
Eligibility: Previously funded HA researchers only. Application must be submitted within one year after the end of the HA-funded project.

The Bridge Fund is intended to provide funding for small, short-term projects that achieve a specific, clearly defined deliverable. The proposed experiments must be directly related to the previously funded HA award, the deliverable must represent a significant step in advancing hydrocephalus research, and the investigator must be actively seeking other sources of funding for this project. Only high-impact proposals will be considered.

2019 Innovator Awards

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on any etiology of hydrocephalus. The goal of this initiative is to provide seed funding for high-quality, innovative research which potentially changes our understanding of hydrocephalus or improves treatments and outcomes.

Click HERE to download the RFA

Discovery Science Award for Postinfectious Hydrocephalus

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on pediatric and adult onset postinfectious hydrocephalus. The goals of this initiative are to provide funding for bold and innovative research with the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies.

The award provides funding for up to three (3) years. Proposals must be submitted for actual costs between $150,000 and $273,000 total over the duration of the grant. The Facilities and Administrative (F&A) cost rate is capped at 10% of direct costs for this award. Total funding through this RFA is expected to be $600,000 (2 awards). The number of awards made will depend on the quality of the applications received and the research priorities determined by the Hydrocephalus Association.

Click HERE to download the RFA

2018 Innovator Awards

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on any etiology of hydrocephalus. The goal of this initiative is to provide seed funding for bold and innovative research with the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies and treatment approaches.

Click HERE to download the RFA

Discovery Science Award for Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on pediatric and adult-onset posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus. The goals of this initiative are to provide funding for bold and innovative research with the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies and treatment approaches.

The award provides funding for up to three (3) years. Proposals must be submitted for actual costs between $150,000 and $270,000 total over the duration of the grant. The Facilities and Administrative (F&A) cost rate is capped at 10% of direct costs for this award. Total funding through this RFA is expected to be $900,000. The number of awards made will depend on the quality of the applications received and the research priorities determined by the Hydrocephalus Association.

Click HERE to download the RFA

Young Investigator Travel Award: 2018 National Conference on Hydrocephalus

Applications are being solicited by the Hydrocephalus Association for the Young Investigator Travel Awards to attend the 2018 National Conference on Hydrocephalus. The 2018 National Conference on Hydrocephalus is a biennial event that brings together renowned clinicians, scientists, and the hydrocephalus patient community. This award encourages young hydrocephalus researchers to attend the National Conference, meet individuals affected by the condition and their families, interact with leading clinicians and scientists, and improve their understanding of hydrocephalus and the needs of this community.

Innovator Awards: Postinfectious & Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on postinfectious and posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus. The goal of this initiative is to provide seed funding for bold and innovative research with the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies and treatment approaches.

Innovator Awards: Posthemorrhagic Hydrocephalus

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications for research on posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus. The goal of this initiative is to provide seed funding for bold and innovative research with the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies and treatment approaches.

Innovator Awards: Hydrocephalus Therapeutics Research

The Hydrocephalus Association is soliciting applications from investigators for Innovator Awards to be used for understanding disease mechanisms and the identification and pre-clinical testing of therapies to prevent or reverse all forms of hydrocephalus. The goal of this initiative is to provide seed funding for bold and innovative research with the potential to transform the field of hydrocephalus through the understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies.