
The Hydrocephalus Association Network for Discovery Science (HANDS) Database

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Type of Study: Prevalence

Age-specific global epidemiology of hydrocephalus: Systematic review, metanalysis and global birth surveillance

Author(s): Albert M Isaacs, Jay Riva-Cambrin, Daniel Yavin, Aaron Hockley, Tamara M Pringsheim, Nathalie Jette, Brendan Cord Lethebe, Mark Lowerison, Jarred Dronyk, Mark G Hamilton

Year: 2018

Etiology: Congenital Hydrocephalus

Study Type: Meta-Analysis

More Study Information: Data on the incidence of hydrocephalus was obtained from the ICBDSR’s annual reports. The ICBDSR is a non-governmental organization affiliated with the World Health Organization that collects data on birth defects including hydrocephalus and spina bifida from 42 surveillance programs, spanning 36 countries. Annual reports from 2003-2014 were reviewed.

Age: Neonate

# Screened: 42 ICBDSR surveillance registries

Country: 36 countries

Population: Neonate

Incidence: 81.2/100,000

Standardized: .812/1,000