
Geraint Sunderland MBChB, BSc

Position: Dr Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool
Areas of Interest: Biomarkers, CSF Dynamics, Congenital, NPH, Post Hemorrhagic
Country: United Kingdom

Email: </br>Lab Website:

Areas of Interest: Biomarkers, CSF Dynamics, Congenital, NPH, Post Hemorrhagic

Research focus:

I am a PhD research fellow supervised by Prof Conor Mallucci (CI of the BASICS trial) and Dr Michael Griffiths (CI of TRIM study – TRanscripts to Identify bacterial Meningitis). Our research is focused on deficning and understanding the host response to infection in pursuit of a reliable biomarker to improve diagnosis and treatment. In addition we are exploring the differences between paediatric and adult hydrocephalus to understand why there is such a contrast in infection and failure rates.

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