2024 Epidemiology Challenge Award

[This award has closed]

Informational session: July 16, 2024, 1pm ET via Zoom webinar (click to watch recording)

Application Due: September 9, 2024, 5pm ET

The Hydrocephalus Association is committed to developing reliable data on the epidemiology and economic impact of hydrocephalus. In line with this goal, the Hydrocephalus Association is offering the 2024 Epidemiology Challenge Award to support one year of focused research that utilizes an existing database to reveal new insights into the incidence and/or prevalence of hydrocephalus or the health economic costs of hydrocephalus. Outcomes from the award will contribute directly to advocacy and education initiatives of the Association and serve as a building block toward a comprehensive understanding of the epidemiology and economic burden of hydrocephalus in the very near future.

The Epidemiology Challenge Award will support an advanced trainee or scientist with strong methods expertise in epidemiology and/or biostatistics to conduct a focused project on the incidence and/or prevalence of hydrocephalus using a pre-existing dataset.

Contact: Samantha@hydroassoc.org


Application Materials:

Epidemiology Challenge award RFA

Epidemiology Challenge Award- application template