Brain Barrier Virtual Meeting

The seventh Cold Spring Harbor conference on Brain Barriers is going virtual and will begin with a late morning session on Wednesday, April 7 and conclude late afternoon on Friday, April 9, 2021.

The purpose of this Cold Spring Harbor meeting is to explore and encourage new conceptual approaches and to apply novel methods to the neuroprotective physiologies of BBB structures. Our goal is pair genetic model organism biological methods with recent insights in vertebrate BBB physiology and development. We hope to create cross fertilization between fields that rarely see each other and get people thinking about how model systems can help parse the regulatory networks necessary for parsimonious BBB function.

The conference is intended to foster cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas and expertise between developmental and evolutionary biologists, vascular and BBB physiologists and disease oriented industry scientists interested in modifying or circumventing specific pathways of neuroprotection. While a number of speakers have been invited, please note that the majority of oral presentations will be drawn from openly submitted abstracts. The abstract deadline is January 29, 2021.

Dritan Agalliu, Columbia University
Maria Lehtinen, Boston Children’s Hospital
Benoit Vanhollebeke, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Emerging Concepts and Hot Topics in CNS Barriers
Imaging Approaches to Study CNS Barriers
Development, Plasticity and Specialization of CNS Barriers
Systems, Computational and Cell Biology of the CNS Barriers
Neuroimmune Interactions Across CNS Barriers
CNS Barriers in Aging, Senescence and Neurodegeneration

Panel Discussion: “The brilliance barrier Stereotypes about brilliance are an obstacle to diversity in science and beyond”.

Workshop: “How to frame and write constructive, fair peer-review”

For more information, visit the Brain Barriers meeting website.

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Jennifer Cassell